BS5837:2012 Arboricultural Impact Assessments
What is BS:5837?
BS5837:2012 is a British Standard that provides guidance on tree surveys and their role in the planning and development process. It sets out a methodology for assessing the potential impact of a proposed development on trees and provides recommendations for their retention and protection. The standard covers various aspects of tree surveys, including assessing tree health and structure, identifying tree species, and determining the root protection area. Tree surveys carried out in accordance with BS5837:2012 can help ensure that development projects are carried out in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way, taking into account the impact on the existing trees and preserving them where possible.
Whydo I need a tree survey?
If you're undertaking a development project that involves trees, local authorities may require Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA) and Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS) to demonstrate how you'll implement the project while considering the trees. BS5837:2012 provides guidance for tree removal, retention, and protection. The scope and format of the report needed will depend on your specific situation. Seeking professional advice early on can help you avoid expensive design changes and construction methods.
"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.".
-Frank Lloyd Wright
A crucial aspect of the design and development process is evaluating how the built environment interacts with nature. To ensure successful project outcomes, it's vital to demonstrate compliance with local and national planning policies. An Arboricultural Impact Assessment is required by local authorities to verify that proposals meet these requirements. The assessment includes plans for incorporating significant trees into the development and protecting retained trees, as well as outlining appropriate working methodologies when trees are nearby.
It DOESN'T have to be complicated
If you're planning a development project that involves trees, it's crucial to seek professional advice from an arboricultural consultant to ensure compliance with local planning policies and BS5837:2012 standards. Tree surveys and assessments can help identify the potential impact of development on trees and recommend appropriate retention and protection measures. If you're unsure about the requirements for your project, it's always best to get in touch with an expert to discuss your situation and explore your options. So, if you have a project in mind, don't hesitate to reach out to us and get the guidance you need to ensure a successful and environmentally responsible outcome.
“Owen understands the financial constraints of my clients, thinks innovatively about the solutions and does not blindly follow the standards ... I will continue to work closely with Owen in the future.”